Biodiversity Tree
Biodiversity Tree is a concept for a series of organically shaped, 3D printed concrete towers, designed to grow extraordinary plants. This unique project, by design studio Jardins de Babylone, is intended to preserve and improve urban biodiversity, by bringing nature into city centers.
At the request of Jardins de Babylone, 3D printing company CyBe Construction is developing a parametric model of the Biodiversity Tree, in order to generate a range of esthetically and structurally sound three-dimensional geometries, that can be manufactured by CyBe’s 3D printing processes. Summum Engineering is contributing to this parametric model with a part that structurally evaluates and optimizes sizing, to indicate feasibility and limits thereof during early stages of design.
Jordy van Beek, Rob van der Zwaluw, Berry Hendriks | CyBe Construction
Jardins de Babylone
Services: Parametric modelling, structural engineering